The Hampshire Dyslexia Association Helpline
The Hampshire Dyslexia Association Helpline is an e-mail service for people in Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton with dyslexia and those who support them. It offers free and confidential information, support and signposting.
Get In touch
The helpline is answered by volunteers and we will respond to emails within 3 working days. Advice by phone is available from the BDA whose details are below.
Email Helpline
The British Dyslexia Association Helpline
If your enquiry is generic then The British Dyslexia Association Helpline is a national service for people with dyslexia and dyscalculia and those who support them.
Advice by phone is available at the following times to speak with one of their advisors:
Tuesday 10am to 1pm
Wednesday 10am to 3pm
Thursday 1pm to 5pm
Calls to the helpline number are included in mobile minutes and the cost of a ‘local’ call on pay as you go or landline bills.