Information About Assessments

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Dyslexia in Higher Eduaction

Information About Assessments

What are the different types of screeners and assessments for dyslexia?

Dyslexia screeners can be carried out by parents, Learning support assistants, class teachers and SENCos.

Dyslexia screeners are a useful tool but they are not substitutes for an educational psychologist’s or a Specialist Teacher Assessor’s assessment but rather designed as a stepping stone between a parent voicing their concerns and obtaining a formal diagnosis.

They can indicate possible dyslexic difficulties.

In collaboration with the British Dyslexia Association, Nessy has created a test for 5-7-year-olds.  A low score in this could mean dyslexia, it’s advised to then take a more formal screening test such as Dyslexia Quest.

Teacher /SENCOs Assessments-screeners

There are many different types of screening tests; in an education setting some are delivered by computer, others need to be administered by a teacher/SENCo.

Some just give an estimate as to whether the child/person is likely to have dyslexic difficulties.

A few offer a more detailed profile of strengths and weaknesses, which help inform an appropriate teaching strategy.

A popular screener used in schools by teachers and SENCos is Pearson’s -Dyslexia Screening Test  DST. It is a screener that identifies children in the infant and junior school who are at risk of being dyslexic.

Some schools also use the Lucid GL screeners called Rapid, CoPS or Lass.

Where any screening test indicates a moderate or high probability of dyslexic difficulties, the best course of action is to follow up with a full diagnostic assessment. This would determine the precise nature of dyslexic and related difficulties

Specialist Teacher Assessments

These are assessments carried out by a specialist teacher assessor who should hold an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC)  a recognised licence to practise for specialist teachers/assessors. Specialist Teachers have studied to a minimum of masters level.

Educational Psychologist Assessments

Educational Psychologists have access to cognitive tests that are not available to Specialist Assessors and have studied at a doctorate level.

Both Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists are able to assess for dyslexia. 

Both Specialist Teachers and Educational Psychologists can make recommendations about how the individual can best be supported.